Signature of the contract between the Anglican Diocese of Rumonge and the company C.T.G.A on 5th March 2021 for the project of expansion of Birimba Amahoro Hospital Under the grant of Trinity Church Wall Street
[image_slider] This project consist to build the internal medicine and pediatric, isolation, radiology, laundry, morgue, incinerator and to equip those news buildings, to equip the bacteriology service and operatory bloc and to set up a IT system to manage easily the hospital.
Workshop of the staff of Diocesan Health Facilities on the prevention ans traitment of covid-19 on August 26, 2020
Previous Next The personnel appreciate this workshop and hope that it will help them to set up all measures taken by the ministry of health
The Bishop of the Diocese and President of BST give officially the material, equipment and emergency drugs to Birimba Amahoro Hospital on August 11, 2020 to prevent Covid-19 under the Grant of Trinity Church Wall Street.
The Diocese thanks Trinity Church Wall Street for this Grant. Précédent Suivant
Training on the accounting software SAGE SARI
Précédent Suivant In its commitment to pursue the vision of the Diocese of Rumonge in which patients benefit from quality health care and services that allow the Diocese to be self-financing, in its mission to offer specialized health services by ensuring effective care through modern technology, while promoting the development Read more…